 Article 2005 anglais
  • Côme Carpentier de Gourdon: "The Russo-Sino-Indian Alliance" - Sept. 05 - Report for the Paris-Berlin-Moscou Website
  • Rumsfeld urged countries in Central Asia to make up their own minds about allowing US military bases to remain in the region.
    (26.07.05 /
    Washington Post ). See also, Foul Play in the Great Game, Asia Times, by M. K. Bhadrakumar (12.07.05).
  • "Nato has a stake in the battle for Eastern Europe" , by Todor Kondakov, from the bulgarian magazine Geopolitics. Online May 2005. Commentary No. 158, April 1, 2005 by Immanuel Wallerstein (Text friendly sent to by Immanuel Wallerstein)

    18, juillet 2006


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