 Articles 2004 anglais
  1. "Kazakhstan and Central Asia Region could be the main field of application for the Paris-Berlin-Moscow geopolitical convergence". F. Vielmini, Kazakhstan Monitor, Alma Ata N° 37, 8 october 2004. Text friendly sent by the author to
  2. "Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Prospects for Eurasian Cooperation". The ‘core countries’ of the European Union, France and Germany, while becoming more inter-connected are finding it necessary to forge a strong alliance with Russia in order to protect their common interests. The growing cooperation between the three states can result in the formation of a Eurasian community, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. By Henri de Grossouvre, article published in World Affairs (Vol 8 No 1 Jan–Mar 2004,
  3. "The wrongs of Spring, Russia and the Western media", by Eric Kraus, Moscow Times, Thursday, April 15, 2004. With the friendly authorisation of the author.
  4. The Influence of Hydrocarbons on Russian Foreign Policies as a Mean of Cooperation or Coercion. par Cyrille Gloaguen, de l'Institut Français de Géopolitique (Paris VIII).

18, juillet 2006


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