 Article 2003 anglais
  2. "How the EU can help Russia", David Gowan, Decembre 2000 (online on septembre 2003). Source:
  3. "EURASIA" : "A CALL FOR COOPERATIVE RESEARCH AND ACTION" Come Carpentier de Gourdon, August 2003
  4. "Does the Western World Still Exist?" by Immanuel Wallerstein
  5. "EU-RUSSIA Summit, Joint Statement", 300th anniversary of St-Petersburg, celebrating three centuries of common European history and culture. St-Petersburg, 31 May 2003.
  6. Général Alain Faupin & Andrzej Karkoszka (ex premier Vice-ministre de la défense de Pologne). Avec l'aimable autorisation des deux auteurs. Cet article est paru dans la revue Défense Nationale de mai 2003. "For a European conference on threat perception".
  7. "A New Europe", by Costas Simitis and Romano Prodi, Moscow Times, Friday May 30. 2003. Sur la base de leur héritage historique et culturel commun l'Union Européenne et la Russie vont désormais coopérer dans les domaines de la sécurité, de la politique étrangère, de l'éducation, de la recherche, et du commerce.
  8. "Russia faces Europe", Dov Lynch, Chaillot paper 60, May 2003, pdf doc. , 111 pages (with the friendly authorisation of Dov Lynch).
  9. "A Russia Resurgent", by Anders Aslund, (New York Times, May 28. 2003). Published on with the authorisation of the author.
  10. "Does the Western World still exist?", by Immanuel Wallerstein, Commentary N°112, May 1, 2003. Published on with the friendly and expressed authorisation of the author.
  11. "Deterring the Empire", by Ian Williams, Alter Net, May 13, 2003. Published on our website with the friendly and expressed authorisation of the author.
  12. "Union Army? Why we should welcome an EU rapid deployment force", by Harold Meyerson, May 9, 2003. This column originally appeared in the Washington Post. Published on our website with the friendly and expressed authorisation of the author.
  13. « France, Germany and Russia have joined together as an initiative group for building a Greater Europe. The composition of the group is very fortunate. Its members are the most influential countries, which the continent's future is contingent on a great deal. »
  14. Igor Maksimychev, Senior researcher at the Russian Academy of sciences, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, March 2003
  15. NEW REALITIES IN WORLD POLITICS Article by Igor S. Ivanov, Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, published in the Financial Times on February 14, 2003
  16. « Russia, France and Germany recently presented a common approach to the settlement of the situation in Iraq. Many observers view this initiative as a new phenomenon in world politics, the significance of which goes beyond the Iraqi crisis. That three countries that were once on opposite sides of the cold war divide now support a joint initiative on such an acute international crisis shows just how rapidly and completely the international system has changed since the late 1980s. Historically, of course, the interests of Russia and west European countries have often coincided. After all, Russian culture and civilisation are European. » Igor Ivanov, Russian Foreign Minister, February 2003

18, juillet 2006


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